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Adad Hannah, Burghers of Seoul, 2006. Digital video (double projection on two sides of screen) from the Recast and Reshoot series. 9 min. 14 sec. Image provenant d’un vidéo numérique.
Avec l’aimable concours de Pierre-François Ouellette Art Contemporain.

August 30 – October 6, 2007

Curator: Marie Fraser

As part of Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal

Ways of Thinking

The exhibition Adad Hannah. Recast and Reshoot is part of the 10th edition of Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal: Replaying Narrative, under the direction of Marie Fraser.

Starting with Adad Hannah’s most recent piece, Burghers of Seoul, this exhibition brings together works by this artist that take as their point of departure narrative models or conventions stemming from the history of art. The idea of replaying and reconsidering conventions in order to recast them began with Museum Stills. Filmed in various museums, these videos form a series of tableaux vivants in which immobile “actors” re-contextualize painterly scenes or behaviours induced by the conventions of the image or the museum context. This line of study would continue with Burghers of Seoul, which gives us a video reconstruction of Auguste Rodin’s The Burghers of Calais (1884-1895). In the Museum Stills series, the camera remained still while the characters held their poses; with this later piece, however, Hannah filmed immobile bodies by making use of the moving image. In a continuous dolly shot, the camera moved around Rodin’s sculpture, capturing through its movement the six male bodies sculpted in stone. As the title indicates, the famous sculpture was thereby recast in a series of redistributions of roles and shots, with an initial reconstruction involving performances by motorcycle couriers in Seoul, South Korea. In this way, Hannah filmed something immobile so that it could be perceived in terms of movement. Rodin’s sculpture thereby became the point of departure for a narrative and temporal exploration that extended its potential for interpretation. This reconstruction of Rodin’s The Burghers of Calais re-actualizes the Modernist myth of the separation of the arts of time and space, and reintroduces the problem of narration posed by modernism.

– Marie Fraser, Curator

This exhibition is organized by the Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery with the support of CIAM.

The Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery’s contemporary exhibition program is supported by the Canada Council for the Arts.